Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet: Transformers Design using Dall-E3

Anthropic introduces Claude 3.5 Sonnet : its latest state-of-the-art LLM


Anthropic has launched Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the first model in the forthcoming Claude 3.5 family. This groundbreaking AI model combines unparalleled performance with cost-effectiveness, setting a new industry standard. Available for free on and the Claude iOS app, with higher rate limits for Pro and Team subscribers, Claude 3.5 Sonnet is also accessible via the Anthropic API, Amazon Bedrock, and Google Cloud’s Vertex AI.


  • High Performance: Claude 3.5 Sonnet excels in graduate-level reasoning, undergraduate-level knowledge, and coding proficiency, showing significant improvements in understanding nuance, humor, and complex instructions.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Operates at twice the speed of Claude 3 Opus, making it ideal for context-sensitive customer support and multi-step workflows.
  • Enhanced Vision Capabilities: Surpasses Claude 3 Opus in visual tasks, including interpreting charts, graphs, and transcribing text from imperfect images.
  • Artifacts Feature: Allows users to generate and interact with content like code snippets, text documents, and website designs in a dynamic workspace.


  • Cost-Effective: Priced at $3 per million input tokens and $15 per million output tokens, with a 200K token context window.
  • Versatile Applications: Suitable for a wide range of complex tasks, from customer support to coding and visual reasoning.
  • Improved Collaboration: The new Artifacts feature facilitates real-time editing and building on AI-generated content, enhancing team collaboration.
  • Safety and Privacy: Rigorous testing and external expert evaluations ensure robust safety mechanisms. User data is not used for training without explicit permission.

Technical Details:

  • Speed and Problem-Solving: Solved 64% of problems in internal coding evaluations, outperforming Claude 3 Opus (38%). Capable of independently writing, editing, and executing code.
  • Vision Model: Strongest vision model to date, excelling in visual reasoning tasks.
  • Safety Assessments: Evaluated by the UK’s AI Safety Institute (UK AISI) and the US AI Safety Institute (US AISI) to ensure compliance with safety standards.
  • Privacy Commitment: Models are not trained on user-submitted data unless explicitly permitted by the user.

Other (Comparisons with Other Models):

  • Benchmark Performance: Outperforms Claude 3 Opus and other models in key benchmarks. Comparable models in the market include GPT-4 Turbo and Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro, with Claude 3.5 Sonnet showing superior performance in speed, cost, and task handling.
  • Upcoming Models: Claude 3.5 Haiku and Claude 3.5 Opus are slated for release later this year, promising further enhancements in the model family.


Claude 3.5 Sonnet represents a significant advancement in AI capabilities, offering unmatched performance, speed, and efficiency. Its versatile applications, combined with robust safety and privacy measures, make it a valuable tool for businesses and developers. With ongoing improvements and new features on the horizon, Claude 3.5 Sonnet is set to redefine the standards for AI models in the industry. Anthropic’s focus on enterprise needs, rapid innovation, and affordability positions Claude 3.5 Sonnet as a leader in the AI market, offering substantial value to businesses looking to enhance their operations and drive innovation.

DeepSeek Coder V2: Transformers Design using Dall-E3

DeepSeek-Coder-V2, an open-source Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) LLM that matches GPT-4 Turbo


DeepSeek, a Chinese AI startup, has released DeepSeek Coder V2, an open-source coding model that surpasses leading models like GPT-4 Turbo, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini 1.5 Pro in both coding and mathematical tasks. This marks the first time an open-source model has achieved such a feat, positioning DeepSeek Coder V2 ahead of other prominent models in the category.


  • Support for 338 Programming Languages: DeepSeek Coder V2 expands its language support from 86 to 338, covering a vast range of coding languages.
  • Extended Context Window: The context window has been increased from 16K to 128K, allowing it to handle more complex and extensive coding tasks.
  • Enhanced Model Sizes: Available in two sizes, 16B and 236B parameters, optimized for various computing needs.
  • High Performance Benchmarks: Scores 76.2 on MBPP+, 90.2 on HumanEval, and 73.7 on Aider benchmarks, outperforming most other models.


  • Superior Coding Capabilities: Excels in project-level code completion, infilling, and problem-solving, making it a powerful tool for developers.
  • Mathematical Prowess: Demonstrates strong performance in mathematical benchmarks (MATH and GSM8K), making it versatile for tasks requiring mathematical computations.
  • Open-Source Accessibility: Released under the MIT license, allowing for both research and unrestricted commercial use, fostering innovation and collaboration.
  • Enhanced Privacy and Performance: Runs on users’ devices without the need for a network connection, ensuring data privacy and improved app performance.

Technical Details:

  • Mixture of Experts Framework: Utilizes DeepSeek V2, an MoE model, as the foundation, pre-trained on an additional dataset of 6 trillion tokens from GitHub and CommonCrawl.
  • Expert Parameters Activation: Activates only 2.4B and 21B “expert” parameters for task-specific optimization, enhancing efficiency and performance.
  • General Reasoning and Language Understanding: Scores 79.2 on the MMLU benchmark, showcasing its capability in general language understanding and reasoning tasks.


  • Comparative Performance: While GPT-4o marginally outperforms DeepSeek Coder V2 in some benchmarks, DeepSeek’s model remains ahead of GPT-4 Turbo, Claude 3 Opus, and others.
  • API and Chatbot Access: Available for interaction via API on a pay-as-you-go model and through a chatbot for real-time testing and demonstration.
  • Industry Impact: Sets a precedent for open-source models, demonstrating that they can compete with and even surpass closed-source alternatives.


DeepSeek Coder V2 represents a significant advancement in the field of AI coding models, offering enhanced capabilities, extensive language support, and superior performance in both coding and mathematical tasks. Its open-source nature, combined with its technical innovations, positions it as a leading tool for developers and researchers, driving forward the potential of AI in software development and beyond.

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The acquisition fits into OpenAI’s broader strategy of investing in infrastructure that supports the deployment of AI in enterprise environments. By leveraging Rockset’s expertise in real-time data processing, OpenAI plans to offer more robust and scalable AI solutions to businesses, allowing them to harness the power of AI for real-time decision-making and analytics. The financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed, but the move underscores OpenAI’s commitment to expanding its footprint in the enterprise AI market. This development marks a significant step towards making AI more accessible and valuable for enterprise applications, ensuring that AI solutions are grounded in high-quality, real-time data.

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The funding round is led by top-tier venture capital firms, highlighting the strong investor confidence in Poolside’s technology and market potential. The raised capital will be used to accelerate the development of the coding copilot, expand the team, and enhance the platform’s capabilities to support a broader range of programming languages and development environments. Poolside’s copilot aims to integrate seamlessly into existing workflows, providing developers with an intelligent assistant that adapts to their coding style and project requirements. This ambitious project positions Poolside as a key player in the growing market for AI-driven development tools, promising to transform the software engineering landscape.

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The release of OpenVLA aims to democratize access to advanced robotics technology, encouraging innovation and collaboration within the research and development community. By making the model open-source, the developers invite contributions and enhancements from scientists and engineers worldwide, fostering a collaborative effort to push the boundaries of what robots can achieve. OpenVLA supports a variety of sensors and actuators, enabling it to integrate seamlessly with different robotic platforms. This flexibility allows it to be applied to numerous applications, paving the way for more intelligent, responsive, and capable robotic systems in both commercial and research settings.

  • SoftBank Partners with Perplexity to Expand AI Search in Japan

SoftBank has announced a strategic partnership with Perplexity, an AI-powered search engine, to enhance its presence in the Japanese market. This collaboration aims to leverage SoftBank’s extensive network and market influence in Japan to promote Perplexity’s AI-driven search technology. The partnership is expected to facilitate Perplexity’s entry into the Japanese market, offering users advanced AI search capabilities tailored to their specific needs.

Perplexity’s AI search engine utilizes sophisticated algorithms to provide precise and relevant search results, improving the user experience by delivering quick and accurate information. By collaborating with SoftBank, Perplexity aims to tap into a broader customer base and accelerate its growth in Asia. This move aligns with SoftBank’s strategy to invest in cutting-edge technologies and expand its portfolio in the AI domain. The partnership will also explore opportunities for integrating Perplexity’s technology into SoftBank’s existing services, potentially enhancing the capabilities of various applications and platforms within the Japanese tech ecosystem.

  • PathChat 2: Advanced Medical AI Assisting Pathologists with Tumor Diagnoses

PathChat 2, a new medical large language model (LLM), has been introduced to assist pathologists in diagnosing tumors and other serious conditions. This AI-powered tool acts as a virtual consultant, capable of engaging in detailed discussions with pathologists about various types of tumors. PathChat 2 leverages advanced natural language processing (NLP) to analyze complex medical data, offer diagnostic suggestions, and provide detailed explanations based on the latest medical research and case studies.

The development of PathChat 2 marks a significant advancement in medical AI, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of pathological assessments. The system integrates seamlessly with existing medical databases and electronic health records (EHRs), allowing it to pull relevant patient information and cross-reference it with a vast repository of medical knowledge. This enables pathologists to make more informed decisions and reduces the likelihood of diagnostic errors. PathChat 2’s ability to provide real-time, context-aware insights makes it a valuable tool in the fight against cancer and other critical health issues, offering a promising solution to the increasing demands on healthcare professionals.

  • Haize Labs Uses Advanced Algorithms to Jailbreak Leading AI Models

Haize Labs has developed a suite of algorithms designed to jailbreak some of the most advanced AI models on the market. Known as the Haize Suite, this collection of algorithms is engineered to probe large language models (LLMs) and uncover their limitations and vulnerabilities. According to CEO Leonard Tang, the primary aim of these tools is to enhance the transparency and security of AI systems by exposing how they can be manipulated or exploited.

The Haize Suite works by systematically testing the boundaries of AI models, identifying potential weaknesses in their programming. This process involves rigorous stress testing and the use of sophisticated probing techniques to reveal how these models react under various conditions. The insights gained from this approach are intended to inform the development of more robust and secure AI systems. By highlighting the risks associated with current AI technologies, Haize Labs aims to push the industry towards adopting more stringent security measures and improving the overall reliability of AI applications.

  • SoundHound Acquires Allset to Expand AI Voice Ordering in Drive-Throughs

SoundHound has acquired Allset, a food-ordering platform, to enhance its AI voice ordering capabilities in drive-throughs. This strategic acquisition aims to integrate SoundHound’s advanced voice AI technology with Allset’s robust ordering system, creating a seamless and efficient drive-through experience for customers. By leveraging Allset’s comprehensive ecosystem for ordering food through cars, SoundHound plans to streamline the ordering process, reduce wait times, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

The integration of SoundHound’s voice recognition technology with Allset’s platform will enable customers to place orders using natural language commands, making the process more intuitive and user-friendly. This move reflects a growing trend in the fast-food industry towards adopting AI and automation to enhance service delivery. The collaboration is expected to accelerate the deployment of AI-powered drive-through systems across various fast-food chains, setting a new standard for convenience and efficiency in the industry. This acquisition highlights SoundHound’s commitment to expanding its presence in the AI voice ordering market and revolutionizing the way customers interact with drive-through services.

  • GrayMatter Secures $45M to Enhance Manufacturing with Physics-Informed AI Robotics

GrayMatter has raised $45 million to advance its robotics technology, which aims to accelerate manufacturing processes using physics-informed AI. The company’s innovative approach integrates artificial intelligence with principles of physics to optimize the performance of robotic systems. These robots are designed to improve efficiency and precision in manufacturing environments by leveraging AI algorithms that take into account physical properties and constraints.

The funding will be utilized to further develop and deploy GrayMatter’s robotics solutions across various industries. Their technology focuses on real-time data analysis and adaptive learning, enabling robots to make smarter decisions on the fly. By incorporating physics-based models, GrayMatter’s robots can better predict and respond to dynamic changes in the manufacturing process, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. This investment highlights the growing interest in AI-driven automation solutions that combine advanced computational techniques with practical applications in industrial settings. GrayMatter’s success underscores the potential for physics-informed AI to transform traditional manufacturing workflows, making them more efficient and reliable.

  • Microsoft Introduces Florence-2: A Unified Vision Model for Diverse AI Tasks

Microsoft has launched Florence-2, a unified vision foundation model designed to handle a variety of computer vision tasks. Released by Microsoft’s Azure AI team on Hugging Face under the permissive MIT license, Florence-2 builds upon its predecessor by offering enhanced capabilities in image recognition, object detection, and segmentation. The model is engineered to be highly versatile, capable of performing multiple vision-related tasks with a single architecture, thereby streamlining the deployment of AI in diverse applications.

Florence-2 leverages state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to improve accuracy and efficiency in processing visual data. It integrates seamlessly with Microsoft’s Azure ecosystem, providing developers with robust tools to implement advanced vision solutions across various industries, from healthcare to retail. The model’s open-source nature encourages collaboration and innovation within the AI community, allowing researchers and developers to build upon its capabilities and tailor it to specific needs. By introducing Florence-2, Microsoft aims to democratize access to powerful vision AI technologies, enabling broader adoption and driving advancements in the field of computer vision.

  • AWS Integrates Managed Open-Source MLflow with Amazon SageMaker to Streamline AI Workflows

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has introduced managed open-source MLflow support for its Amazon SageMaker platform, enhancing its capabilities for machine learning operations (MLOps). MLflow, a popular open-source tool for managing the lifecycle of machine learning models, is now integrated into SageMaker, providing a unified experience for data scientists and developers. This integration aims to streamline AI workflows, making it easier to track, reproduce, and deploy machine learning models at scale.

The managed MLflow service in SageMaker automates many aspects of model management, including versioning, experimentation, and deployment. It offers a seamless interface within the SageMaker environment, allowing users to leverage MLflow’s powerful features without needing to manage the underlying infrastructure. This development is part of AWS’s broader strategy to enhance its machine learning ecosystem, providing robust tools that simplify the end-to-end process of developing and deploying AI models. By incorporating MLflow, AWS aims to support more efficient and reproducible AI workflows, accelerating innovation and reducing time-to-market for machine learning applications.

  • ElevenLabs Launches Open-Source Tool for AI-Driven Sound Effects in Videos

ElevenLabs has unveiled an open-source tool designed to simplify the addition of sound effects to videos using AI. This new creator tool leverages ElevenLabs’ Sound Effects API, enabling users to seamlessly integrate realistic sound effects into their video content. The tool is aimed at video creators looking to enhance their productions with high-quality audio without the need for extensive manual editing.

The open-source nature of the tool allows for widespread accessibility and customization, catering to various creative needs. It uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze video content and automatically apply appropriate sound effects, enhancing the overall viewing experience. By making this tool open-source, ElevenLabs encourages collaboration and innovation within the developer community, promoting the development of additional features and improvements. This initiative represents a significant step forward in the integration of AI in multimedia content creation, offering a powerful resource for enhancing video production with minimal effort.

  • Introducing Maxim: A Comprehensive Platform for Enhancing AI Quality

Maxim is an innovative end-to-end evaluation platform designed to address and resolve quality issues in artificial intelligence systems. This platform offers a comprehensive suite of tools that allow developers to rigorously test and validate AI models across various metrics, ensuring their performance, reliability, and robustness. Maxim integrates seamlessly into the AI development lifecycle, providing continuous monitoring and feedback to help identify and mitigate potential issues before they impact deployment.

The platform leverages advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to evaluate AI models in real-time, offering insights into their accuracy, fairness, and efficiency. Maxim’s capabilities include stress testing under diverse conditions, detailed error analysis, and benchmarking against industry standards. By providing a holistic approach to AI quality assurance, Maxim empowers developers to build more reliable and trustworthy AI applications. This tool is particularly valuable for enterprises seeking to enhance the performance of their AI systems while maintaining high standards of quality and compliance.

About The Author

Bogdan Iancu

Bogdan Iancu is a seasoned entrepreneur and strategic leader with over 25 years of experience in diverse industrial and commercial fields. His passion for AI, Machine Learning, and Generative AI is underpinned by a deep understanding of advanced calculus, enabling him to leverage these technologies to drive innovation and growth. As a Non-Executive Director, Bogdan brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to the boardroom, contributing to robust strategic decisions. With a proven track record of assisting clients worldwide, Bogdan is committed to harnessing the power of AI to transform businesses and create sustainable growth in the digital age.